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Infrared System
Infrared System can be used in all kinds of weapons platform of vehicles, fixed-wing aircraft, helicopters, vigilance to monitoring, observation and alert of target for all day observation in land system, air-to-ground, surface-to- air conditions. Provide effective night vision aiming capability for the fire control sighting system, Can also be applied to warning and monitoring for forest fire, airport, railway, highway, port and border.
MWIR 1280x1024 12μm cooled infrared systemMedium wave 1024x768 infrared cooled thermal imager with 10X continuous zoom CMZ-01Medium wave 640x512 infrared cooled thermal imager CMT-01Medium wave 640x512 infrared cooled thermal imager with continuous zoom CMZ-02Medium wave 640x512 infrared cooled thermal imager with continuous zoom CMZ-03Long wave 640x512 three-field cooled infrared thermal imager CLT-01Medium wave 640x512 infrared cooled thermal imager with continuous zoom CMZ-04Mid-wave 640x512 infrared cooled thermal imager with 25X continuous zoom CMZ-05Mid-wave 640x512 infrared cooled thermal imager with continuous zoom CMZ-06Long wave 384x288 cooled thermal imager CLT-02Two-field long wave 640x512 infrared uncooled thermal imager ULD-01Mid-wave 640x512 cooled thermal imager CMD-02Medium wave infrared 640x512 digital cooled thermal imager CMF-01Mid-wave 320x256 cooled thermal imager CMD-01Cooled 576x4 scanning thermal imager CLD-SCANTwo-field long wave 640x512 infrared uncooled thermal imager ULD-02Large aperture remote uncooled 640x512 monitoring thermal imager ULZ-01Uncooled long-wave 640x512 infrared thermal imager ULZ-02Mid-wave 640x512 infrared cooled thermal imager with continuous zoom CMZ-07
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